Wednesday 31 December 2008

Bye Bye Ms Grumpy

A few days before Xmas, one of our friends told us they were going back to India for couple of years. We were supposed to have a New years party at their place, but since they were going away they had a few things to do and hence party was cancelled. We said No problem we could meet up with someone else ... but who ? I tried to compile a list of my friends and I came up with zilch !! Not exactly zilch but you get the drift.
I have never been a very friendly person. Tend to phone when I can talk face to face, tend to email when I could call. Conversations with me dry up in a few minutes. I also don't make lasting friendship. My interests in things and people fade as quick as they start. Now add a baby to the mix ... I come in from work and my time is totally occupied with my son. Weekends blend into months and then into years, and I have forgotten the few friends that I have.
I must argue things used to be a lot better when I was single. I used to have parties and wild nights and fantastic picnics. Over the years I have become Ms Grumpy. Selfish and mean and nasty. I woldn't mind carrying on if it were not for my little son. I don't want him to end up with no friends because his mom was Grumpy. So 2009 I promise to be better. I am going to make new friends and keep in touch with my old ones. New years eve will not be one sorry affair. Out with Ms Grumpy In with Ms Sunshine ;)

PS: We have been invited to a party at an home of an acquaintance. Maybe the start of a new friendship.

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