Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Balls of Fire

Nope not talking about David Beckham and his balls of fire .. this is about a totally different ball on fire. When I first read about the bomber who tried to set of explosives on the plane I thought 'I hope he had clean underpants'. His mom must have told him to have a new set everyday . Then I thought 'Ouch that must have hurt.. but then again good stuff since he cant have baby nutters like him !! '. What do these guys think of when they go about exploding planes and buildings and trains ? What do innocent civilians have to do with any of the wars going on in any of the countries around the world? Somewhere some generals and presidents sit together and map all the resources in the world and split it amongst themselves. Then we get caught in the all show down !! Shell, BP own the Middle East, but not sure if my petrol bill is reducing or my electricity or my gas bills !! Nope I just keep paying through the nose and then some nutter comes along wanting to bomb me and more like me and I have to put up with all the security shit during my travel... not that the security weeds the Fireball out. Nope they are still free to go about setting their balls on fire !!!

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