Tuesday 5 May 2009

Diary of a 'working' mom

I am a working mom. What does that mean ? It means I am a mom and I work in a office. Basically work never stops be it home or office. After a long time I finally got a chance to take a holiday and spend some quality time with my son. My parents had left for India and next set of grandparents were due in a weeks time. This was one week of me time with my son. I was excited and apprehensive. What activities should I plan for him ? What games should we play ? How will the time pass by ? Have to be honest, from my perspective, a stay at home mom didn't have much to do. (can hear teeth gnashing). So this was my chance to relax and enjoy just being a mom.
Day started at 7:00 am. Akshay's school starts at 9:15 so need to make sure his bag is packed and is dress is laid out for him. Also had to pack Baba's lunch and have my breakfast before waking the lil master up. 
7:45 Aki wakes up. 15 mins of cuddling before getting down to business of brushing cleaning and plonking in front of TV. Thank god for Milkshake (Channel 5)
By 8:30 Aki realises he has to go to school and then starts the fuss. Crying and whining and finally I agree to sit with him in school and also to take him to school by bus !!! 
9:00 we make it out of the house and slowly trundle to the bus stop. 
9:15 to 12:15 we are at school. The kids don't seem to learn much here. All they did was play with dough and paint and bake a cake. Aki seems to have learnt more from home than in scholl (Note to self : Teach him some alphabets. Need to check pre-school curriculum).
By 1 we slowly make our way home. A stop at the nearby park and then by 1:30 we reach home. 
Its picnic in the backyard today since the sun has made a rare appearance. Have a quite bite too while he out playing in the yard. Finish my lunch and nip out to see aki covered in mud !! Aaargh. Plonk him in the tub and a quick bathe later its 2:30 time for bed. After a small fight and a loud protest Aki is asleep by 2:45.
Whew !! Thats half a day gone .... time to relax ? I hope !! Look at the sink and my heart sinks !! Finish washing all the vessels and then drying out the clothes and tidying up the front room and I look at the clock ... oooops its already 4 !! Just time to catch up with some mails before Aki wakes up and the rush starts again. Tea , dinner , sleep !!
This is just the first day. 6 more to go.
Verdict : 'Working' or not , a Mom is always Working !!! I won't debate on which is more tiring. Each mom in one way or the other is doing something the whole day. Which is better ? I donno. I enjoyed being with Aki and spending time with him, but I need my job too. I wish there was more of a balance in life. Right now, I don't want to go back to work. 

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