Some v knowledgeable mom once said Mommyhood doesn't come with a manual. How true it is !!! I am not v sure if a manual wld help too, since a mom like me wld spend most of her time checking to see if she was sticking to the manual. I have always been a person who is tensed 90% of the time so u can just imagine my state when akshay was born !!! are we using the ISO standard nappies ? are we feeding him nutritious food ? is he eating well ? is he sleeping enuf ? He looks a little skinny today ... is he loosing weight. Oh no he is so short for his age !! So many questions so many issues ... They say discussing it with other moms makes it easier. But I think it just makes it worse !!! Oh god the neighbours kid doesnt scream as much as he does ... oh god he is walking faster than my kid ... am i doing something fundamentally wrong ? And then there is thing abt Home food. Now that gets my %^&^ .. You say u feed ur baby bottled food and u can see the eyebrows raising .... oooooh really? i prepare my baby's food !! Then u cringe and feel like a little insect. You wait for the earth to open up and take you in !!! Oh no I am now a bad mom who can't even take enough time out to make food for my son. Whew !!! I guess thats a part of being a mom. You can never be perfect. 10 months into mommyhood and I think I can say is u do as u feel and pray that it all turns out okie.
Wonder if dad's have it as bad ???
Great work.